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My Honest Review of Nectar’s Adjustable Bundle

ByBrent BurdenSep 25, 2024
In Partnership with Resident

You know how falling asleep can be – lying awake at night, tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable, either too hot or too cold. That was me, and I wasn’t happy about it.

Over the years, I tried everything—memory foam, hybrid mattresses, even splurging on those top-of-the-line sleep options. But nothing seemed to work for me. 

That was until I stumbled across Nectar. And to my luck, you can save up to 50% off, so I figured it was the perfect moment to try the hyped-up Premier Adjustable Bundle. Here’s why this special bundle is the only bed I want to sleep in:

The Elevation Feature completely changed my sleep by easing & reducing my joint pain

With this feature, I can adjust the height of my feet and head to whatever’s most comfortable for me. The best part? My preferred sleep setting is saved, so I can get into my favorite position with the click of a button.

You may be wondering why this matters. As a former athlete, I deal with aches, spasms, and constant joint pain. Elevating my body has drastically improved my knee strains and reduced inflammation in my joints, while also allowing me to prop up with my popcorn in bed as I turn on my favorite show (anybody else watch Shogun?)

The Anti-snore setting has helped me (and my loved ones) sleep through the night

I’ll admit it – I, along with millions of others, have a serious case of the snores. It didn’t bother me, but I can’t say the same for my partner, who was getting woken up spontaneously throughout the night from my snores.

However, since using the anti-snore feature in my Nectar bundle, I’m finally breathing easier (and my partner and I are both getting our full eight hours!). I said goodbye to my sleep apnea and hello to waking up ready and fresh to tackle the day ahead.

Zero gravity is a feature I have been looking for my whole life

As somebody who’s currently dealing with a herniated disc and the associated back pain, trying to sleep is not a fun task. However, thanks to the Zero-Gravity feature, I can elevate my feet just above my head to reduce the pressure and stress on my back.

In just two weeks of using the adjustable bundle, my spine feels more intact and I am in significantly less pain. The elevation has improved my circulation and blood flow to my back, allowing me to get back to my favorite workouts and exercises! 

My favorite feature: Whisper Quiet Massage

As somebody who works and has kids, I rarely have time to myself to unwind. Nectar’s adjustable bundle comes with a massage feature that I can adjust to my desired pattern of vibration and intensity, which has taken my R&R to the next level.

Not only am I saving up to 50% off this bundle, but I can get a massage anytime I am home or relaxing. I can confidently say that I am not only sleeping tight, but my body feels right.

The extra features, like Underbed lighting and USB ports, are the cherry on top

I thought all the other features were enough, but no, Nectar didn’t want to stop. With convenient USB ports around the bed, I can keep my phone close by and watch my favorite movie without ever worrying about my battery. Last night, my son and I each charged our phones and watched our favorite respective TV shows side-by-side! 

Picture this: it’s 3 A.M. and you wake up craving a glass of cold water. You walk to the kitchen, fill up your glass, and gulp it down. As you walk back to your bed you stub your toe and are now awake for the next 45 minutes. We’ve all been here.

With Nectar’s Underbed lighting, I have a subtle yet esthetic night light to illuminate my way and prevent any toe stubs. 

My final review: Run, don’t walk to get Nectar’s adjustable bundle. 

If you’ve struggled with sleep like I used to, please do yourself a favor and give Nectar’s Adjustable Bundle a try. I was skeptical at first, but now I can’t imagine going back to anything else. 

From the comfort of the mattress to the incredible customizable features, it’s been a sleep-changer for me. So yeah, you could say I’m a Nectar fan for life.