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When you buy a crummy mattress and need something better…

ByAllie BarronSep 11, 2024

For the longest time, I was just fine with any regular mattress – it’s just a place to crash, right? Enter: Momhood, owning dogs, raising a new family. I finally understand how important it is to get a good night’s sleep. My old, cheap mattress just wasn’t cutting it anymore. I wasn’t getting the sleep I needed to show up for my babies (both human and furry) every day. 

I was looking around for mattresses and came across Nectar’s Adjustable Bundle. I had seen it a few times before but never thought to try a premium mattress. Since there was a 50% off sale and a 365-day sleep trial – I decided to give it a shot. 

Best move ever. Here’s why the Nectar Adjustable Bundle has completely changed my sleep experience! 

It’s a modern, luxurious sleeping experience

Let’s get to the goodies: the mattress. I had never given a second thought to how important a good mattress was. My partner and I were always fine with whatever cheap bed we could find—until pregnancy taught me how much of a mistake this was.

The Adjustable Bundle comes with the Nectar Classic mattress, which features 12 inches of multi-layered foam goodness, plus a cooling cover. This is seriously the most comfortable mattress I have ever slept on, luxury hotels included.

“Adjustable” doesn’t begin to describe it

When I heard the term “adjustable bed,” I figured maybe the height would go up and down, I could adjust the lean a little bit…wrong.

The Adjustable Bundle has independent head and foot elevation, and the mattress responds perfectly to the shifting frame. Our favorite setting is the anti-gravity mode. It’s been a huge help in fixing my posture after pregnancy and would’ve been a big help with my swelling if I had owned it while pregnant.

Finally, some snore-free, spa-like nights!

Speaking of adjustable—one mode, in particular, is saving my household: the anti-snore mode. I won’t say WHO in this partnership snores a lot…but I will say it’s not me.

With the click of a button, the Adjustable Frame shifts into a mode that slightly elevates the head. It’s finally stopped someone’s snoring all night. Now, we both enjoy a silent, peaceful sleep (which, as new parents, is whenever we find the time)! Plus, there’s even a massage feature that adds a spa-like feel to our nightly routine.

It came with everything I needed, and was a breeze to assemble!

With the little one taking up almost all of our free time, the last thing I wanted to do was spend a day shopping for a mattress + frame and then spend another day putting it all together.

The Adjustable Bundle came to our door ready to go with the mattress + matching frame, even the batteries! The best part was there were no tools needed—everything just screwed or clicked right into place. We were done in minutes!

“You snooze you lose” doesn’t count here—Nectar’s Adjustable Bundle is a winner!

After a lifetime of using whatever cheap mattress I could get my hands on, I’m so glad to have discovered my Nectar Adjustable Mattress + Frame. Not only is it giving my partner and me the best sleep of our lives, it’s also helping my posture, giving us snore-free nights, and providing the perfect setting for sleeping, working, reading, or watching TV together.

Check out Nectar’s Adjustable Bundle and save up to 50% off right now (well over $1000 in savings even on the smallest bed) PLUS a 365-day sleep trial and a 3-year warranty—there’s no risk!

Goodbye and goodnight!